Device-specific error (error) | Documentation for developers

Device-specific error (error)

Last updated on May 25, 2023

The structure is used to describe errors that occur when processing a query about a specific device. For example, you can use this structure to describe an error that occurs when a socket or lamp fails to turn off.

idstring✔︎Device ID
codeinteger✔︎Error code. The following codes may be used:
  • 400 - query validation error
  • 401 – authorization error
  • 403 – token verification error
  • 500 – internal system error
  • 503 – server unavailable
messagestring✔︎Free-format error description
"id": string,
"code": integer,
"message": integer

Example of error description

The example describes a situation when the request about specific device was not processed due to the 500 Internal Server Error. For example, this device could not be deleted.

"id": "ABCD_005",
"code": 500,
"message": "System error"
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