Device state (post query) | Documentation for developers

Device state (post query)

Last updated on December 22, 2024

Sber Smart Home queries a vendor for the current status of a user's devices. The response should contain all the stated functions of a device.

Sample case:

  1. A user changes the status of a device in the vendor application. For example, he/she turns a light bulb off or changes its colour.
  2. From time to time, Sber Smart Home queries the vendor for the current status of a user's devices.
  3. The vendor returns the current state of the devices, including that of the light bulb.
  4. Sber Smart Home updates the status of the light bulb in Salute mobile app, SberPortal, SberBox and other devices supported with Salute assistant.

Query format

Sber Smart Home sends a query to the vendor's endpoint. For the headers, see Query headers.

POST /v1/query

Query body:

deviceslist<string>✔︎List of device IDs to return their state
"devices": [
"device1_id": string,
"device2_id": string,
"device3_id": string

Response format

Success response:

devicesdict<string, object>✔︎List of the user devices. For each device, the device ID in the vendor's system and the status of its functions are returned
IDstring✔︎Device ID in the vendor's system
stateslist<object>✔︎List of function states (see Device state (state))
"devices": {
"id1": {
"states": [
"key": string,
"value": {
"type": string,
"type_value": object
// ...

If an error occurs, you must return an object of the Common error (common error) type:

"code": integer,
"message": string,
"details": list<string>

Sample query and response

Sber Smart Home queries the vendor for the status of a socket. The vendor returns it.


curl -i -X POST /v1/query \
-H Host: example.com \
-H Content-Type: application/json \
-H Authorization: Bearer qwerty-1234-... \
-H X-Request-Id: abcd-0000-ifgh-...
"devices": ["ABCD_003"]

Success response:

"devices": {
"ABCD_003": {
"states": [
"key": "online",
"value": {
"type": "BOOL",
"bool_value": true
"key": "on_off",
"value": {
"type": "BOOL",
"bool_value": true

Error response:

"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid argument",
"details": []
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