Transmitting status change commands (commands) | Documentation for developers

Transmitting status change commands (commands)

Last updated on December 22, 2024

Direction: cloud → client.

Sber Smart Home requests from the agent app changes in the state of devices.

Use case example:

  1. The user changes the lamp state, e.g. by turning it off, in the Salute app, on SberPortal, SberBox or on another device with installed Salute assistant.
  2. The Smart Home sends a lamp state change request to the agent app installed on the controller.
  3. The agent delivers the request to the controller, and the controller switches the lamp off.

Message format


usernamestring✔︎Login for connection to the Sber MQTT server (see [Getting data for connecting an agent to the cloud](/en/smarthome/mqtt-diy/agent-authorization) section)

Message body:

devicesdict<string, object>✔︎Devices whose state needs to be changed. For each device, the device ID in the vendor's system and the new state of its functions are transmitted
IDstring✔︎Device ID in the vendor's system
stateslist<object>✔︎List of new states (see Device state (state))
"devices": {
"id1": {
"states": [
"key": string,
"value": {
"type": string,
"type_value": object
// ...

Message example

Sber Smart Home requests from the agent app installed on the controller changes in the socket state.



Message body:

"devices": {
"ABCD_003": {
"states": [
"key": "online",
"value": {
"type": "BOOL",
"bool_value": true
"key": "on_off",
"value": {
"type": "BOOL",
"bool_value": true
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