Devices configuration request (config_request) | Documentation for developers

Devices configuration request (config_request)

Last updated on December 22, 2024

Direction: cloud → client.

Sber Smart Home requests from the agent app the current configurations of devices. The agent shall respond by sending the following message: sberdevices/v1/<username>/up/config.

Use case example:

  1. The user adds a new device via the agent app installed on the controller.
  2. From time to time, Sber Smart Home requests from the agent app the list of all the user's devices.
  3. The agent receives from the controller a current list of devices. Then it sends the following message: sberdevices/v1/<username>/up/config.
  4. The Smart Home updates the list of the user's devices. The new device is displayed and is available for management in the Salute app, on SberBox, SberPortal and on other devices with Salute assistant.

Message format


Parameter Type Mandatory? Description
username string ✔︎ Login for connection to the Sber MQTT server (see [Getting data for connecting an agent to the cloud](/en/smarthome/mqtt-diy/agent-authorization) section)

Message body:

Empty JSON.


Message example

Sber Smart Home requests device configurations from the agent app installed on the controller.


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