Devices status transmission (status) | Documentation for developers

Devices status transmission (status)

Last updated on December 22, 2024

Direction: client → cloud.

The agent app notifies Sber Smart Home of changes in the device state.

Use case example:

  1. The device’s function state has changed for any reason. E.g. the lamp was turned off manually.
  2. The agent receives from the controller the current device state and sends a message indicating it. The message can be sent independently or as a response to the Smart Home's message: sberdevices/v1/<username>/down/status_request.
  3. The Smart Home receives a new state of the device and updates it in the Salute app, on SberPortal, SberBox and other devices with Salute assistant.

Message format


usernamestring✔︎Login for connection to the Sber MQTT server (see [Getting data for connecting an agent to the cloud](/en/smarthome/mqtt-diy/agent-authorization) section)

Message body:

devicesdict<string, object>✔︎Devices whose status information is being transmitted. For each device, the device ID in the vendor's system and the status of its functions are transmitted
IDstring✔︎Device ID in the vendor's system
stateslist<object>✔︎List of states (see Device state (state))
"devices": {
"id1": {
"states": [
"key": string,
"value": {
"type": string,
"type_value": object
// ...

Message example

The agent app installed on the controller notifies Sber Smart Home of changes in the state of the online and on_off functions of the socket.



Message body:

"devices": {
"ABCD_003": {
"states": [
"key": "online",
"value": {
"type": "BOOL",
"bool_value": true
"key": "on_off",
"value": {
"type": "BOOL",
"bool_value": true
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