Update the password for the controller authorization in Sber Smart Home cloud
If you forgot the password for customer's controller authorization in Sber Smart Home cloud, or if you cannot login using the old credentials, generate a new password:
- In SmartMarket Studio, open the integration project.
- On the tab, find the controller for which you are about to change password.
- In the controller line, click on Regenerate. Copy and save the new password.
Then re-authorize the customer's controller:
In the browser, open the address
http://<controller IP address>:8090/
. The SberDevices IoT Agent application opens.In the right-hand part of the screen, click on Change (Изменить).
In the Password (Пароль) field, enter the new Sber cloud access password.
Click on Save (Сохранить). If everything was entered correctly, the app will connect to the Sber cloud, while in the right-hand part of the screen, in the Status (Статус) section, Online (В сети) will be displayed.
If Connection error (Ошибка соединения) is displayed on the screen, click on Restart (Перезапустить).