hvac_boiler | Documentation for developers


Last updated on October 13, 2023

Boiler, heating controller.

Available device functions

The device can have all the functions listed below or some of them. E.g. if the boiler cannot manage the heating speed, there is no need in including the hvac_heating_rate function in its model description.

The device has two mandatory functions: online, on_off. All boilers must have them.

hvac_heating_rateHeating speed
hvac_temp_setDesired temperature
hvac_thermostat_modeThermostat operation mode
on_off✔︎Turning the device on and off remotely
online✔︎Device availability: offline or online
temperatureCurrent temperature

Boiler model description example

The model shall be described in accordance with the model structure. The example describes a boiler equipped with all functions except for managing the heating speed.

Besides, allowed values for the hvac_temp_set function (target temperature) of the model are changed: devices of this model can heat water from 25 to 80 C at an interval of 5 C.

"id": "QWERTY124",
"manufacturer": "Xiaqara",
"model": "SM1123456789",
"hw_version": "3.1",
"sw_version": "5.6",
"description": "Xiaqara smart water heater",
"category": "hvac_boiler",
"features": [
"allowed_values": {
"hvac_temp_set": {
"type": "INTEGER",
"integer_values": {
"min": "25",
"max": "80",
"step": "5"

User's boiler description example

The device shall be describe in accordance with the device structure. The example contains no boiler model description as we believe that models are described independently and the model ID will be enough (in this case, QWERTY124).

"id": "ABCD_004",
"name": "My water heater",
"default_name": "Smart water heater",
"nicknames": ["Controlled water heater", "Manageable water heater"],
"home": "My home",
"room": "Living room",
"groups": ["Climate", "Water"],
"model_id": "QWERTY124",
"hw_version": "3.1",
"sw_version": "5.6",
"partner_meta": {
"internal-id": 1234,
"specificity": "microchip 2A"
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