Step 5. Verifying import of customer devices | Documentation for developers

Step 5. Verifying import of customer devices

Last updated on June 23, 2023

After adding all devices on the customer's controller, import them and verify that import was correct: whether all devices are in Sber Smart Home

To do this:

  1. In your browser, open the controller management web interface. Then, launch the SberDevices IoT Agent app.

  2. In the right-hand part of the screen, click on Restart (Перезапустить). Wait until the restart finishes – the Online (В сети) status will be displayed on screen.

    Following that, customer devices will be imported in Sber Smart Home and will become visible in your service account in SmartMarket Studio.

  3. In SmartMarket Studio, open the integration project and to to the


  4. In the table, find the customer's controller.

  5. Click on the controller line to see hubs, homes, rooms, groups and individual devices added to that controller.

If everything was imported correctly. the devices may be passed over to the customer's Sber ID account. If not, go one step back, to device adding, correct the errors in the SberDevices IoT Agent app and repeat import.

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