Adding devices on a Wiren Board controller for an integrator | Documentation for developers

Adding devices on a Wiren Board controller

Last updated on June 23, 2023
  1. In your browser, open the following address: http://<controller IP address>:8083/.

  2. In the bottom of the screen, click on Add device (Добавить устройство).

  3. On the Devices (Устройства) tab, describe the device: category, name, its location in the smart home, etc. If you first described customer device models, select the model to which the device relates. This will help to describe its functions on the following step: the boilerplate list of functions will be filled out automatically.

    Read below for more on how to describe a device.

  4. On the Functions (Функции) tab, describe the device functions:

    • If you did not indicate a model on the Devices (Устройства) tab, check the device functions list. If there are unnecessary functions, delete them.
    • For each function, describe groups of addresses for receiving commands and sending statuses.

    Below follows a description of how to describe device functions.

  5. Save the device: click on Save (Сохранить) in the bottom of the form.

How to describe a device

On the Device (Устройство) tab, fill out the following fields:

  • Category (Категория). Select device category. You can only select a category supported by Sber Smart Home. If your device falls into a different category, you will not be able to control it via Sber devices or assistants.

  • Model (Модель). If you have described your device models, select the model you need. A boilerplate list of functions will be filled out automatically, so that you won't have to select functions manually when you describe the device functions.

  • Name (Название). Device name in the customer's smart home.

  • Aliases (Алиасы). Synonyms – alternative device names. Will be used in voice commands.

  • Home (Дом). Name of a group of rooms in which the device is located. If only one home has been created both on the customer's controller and his/her Sber Smart Home, the device will be imported in the existing Sber home. If there are several Sber homes either on the controller or in Sber Smart Home, the customer will be able to choose a suitable one or create a new one during import.

    For more on homes, see the Why you need homes section of User help.

  • Room (Комната). Name of the room in which the device is located. When connecting a wired home, customer may position the device in the same room or move it to a different one.

    For more on rooms, read the Why you need rooms section of User help.

  • Groups (Группы). Names of groups to which the device belongs.

    If you indicate one and the same group upon connection of multiple devices, then, if you are connecting a wired home, this group will be automatically created in Sber Smart Home. If there already exists an identically named group in Sber Smart Home, the devices will be added to it. A group with a non-Russian name will not be imported.

    Please note that only devices of same or close categories may be grouped. For example, you can group together a LED strip and a lamp but not a socket and a lamp. Also keep in mind that a group can execute only those commands that are supported by all devices in that group. If you add a device in which a function is unavailable, to a group, this function will be unavailable for the entire group.

    For more on groups, read the Why you need groups section of User help.

Device description example. The example describes a relay and indicates its model, QWERTY124.

Category: relay
Model: QWERTY124
Name: My relay
Aliases: Smart relay, Smart switch
Home: My home
Room: Living room
Groups: Video equipment, Wiring

How to describe device functions

  1. Go to the Functions (Функции) tab.

  2. If you did not select the device model when describing the device, check the functions list in the form. All of these will be reflected in the customer's Smart Home, therefore, delete those functions that are unrelated to the device and will not work. To do so, click on

    Trash icon
    in each unnecessary function block.

    If a model has been selected for the device, all model functions will be added into the form automatically – you will not have to delete manually whatever is not necessary.

  3. For each function, select the relevant topic; more on internal representation of Wiren Board devices is available in the documentation.

    • Command object (Объект команды). Topic for sending commands.

      For example, if you describe the functions of a relay, the command object must match the topic of the relay channel being configured. Topic example: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/EXT1_K1.

    • Status object (Объект статуса). Topic for obtaining device status.

      For example, if you are describing the functions of a relay, the status object must match the topic of the relay status being configured. Topic example: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/EXT1_K1.

      For the online function, it is recommended to use objects with the OK suffix; these indicate that no errors exist in respect of the relevant topic.

      Also, an object may broadcast a continuous true or false status. To do so, enter __true or __false.

    • Transformation (Трансформация). If numerical values are received by a command object, it may be that Sber Smart Home uses one range of allowed vales for this command, while the controller uses a different one. In that case, any commands sent by Sber Smart Home to the command object will not be executed or will be executed other than in the expected manner.

      For example, you are describing a smart lamp that receives brightness change commands in the range of 0-100. However, Sber Smart Home sends brightness change commands in the range from 10 to 1000. This leads to a scale mismatch: if you give command via the Salute app to set brightness to 50%, Sber Smart Home cloud will send the value of 500 to the command object. The lamp will receive that value but will not be able to process it correctly, as it expects a value from 0 to 100.

      To avoid errors of this kind, you will need to set a rule for translating from Sber Smart Home format to the command object format. To do so, find the function description in the API section and look up its permitted value range.

      If the Sber Smart Home range differs from that of the address object, create the translation rule: in the Transformation (Трансформация) field, choose integer_scale. The rule recording format will be displayed under the field – enter the rule in the Arguments (Аргументы) field in the specified format.

      For example, for the brightness function light_brightness, the rule will look as follows: 10,1000->0,100.

Function description example. The example describes the light_colour_temp function – the colour temperature.

Command object: /devices/wb-mrgbw-d-fw3_101/controls/RGB Strip Brightness
Status object: /devices/wb-mrgbw-d-fw3_101/controls/RGB Strip Brightness
Transformation: integer_scale
Arguments: 0,1000->0,100
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