Intents block
English version of the documentation is under development.
The block is used to program the assistant's reaction to the user's phrases. Only one Intent block can be added to one screen.
Using the block, the assistant recognizes the user's phrase and redirects the smartapp to the required script screen.
Use this block to:
Create an intent. In this case, you need to specify the user's phrase to which the assistant will react in the field. To add a synonym for the phrase, click the Add example button. The number of synonyms is unlimited.
Entity directories can be used as intents.
Templates can be used instead of hard-coded phrases.
The user's phrases are stored in the
system variable .Select from a list of ready-to-use intents. In this case, you need to select one of the ready-to-use intents from the list. As with the intents you create, ready-to-use intents can have an unlimited number of synonyms.
Make the intent available from any part of the script. If this option is enabled, the assistant will react to the user's phrase regardless of the screen where the smartapp received the phrase.
React to any other phrase. This option enables programming the smartapp behavior when it identifies the user's phrase which does not match any of the intents specified in the block. The option becomes available after the block is added to the screen.