Viewing query log Cloud to Cloud | Documentation for developers

Viewing query log

Last updated on May 17, 2023

If a problem arises with a user device, view the query log. It reflects both Sber Smart Home queries to your webhook and your API queries to Sber Smart Home. For each query, one can see at what time the query was sent, what kind of query it was, and what the response was.

The log is based on the X-Request-Id header (see Query headers) and the user ID in your system – these will be transmitted on each query to your webhook or from API. You will need to keep track of X-Request-Id on your cloud's side yourself.

To retrieve and view the right queries:

  1. In SmartMarket Studio, open your workspace. Select the project you need.
  2. In the left part of the screen, click on
  3. Fill out the form fields and click on Download logs.
  4. Wait until the download batch is formed – the download link will appear below the form.

The logs reflect the following query details:

created_atDate and time query was sent
partner_idVendor's ID in Sber Smart Home
user_idUser ID in vendor's system
request_idUnique ID assigned by Sber Smart Home to the query
device_idDevice ID in vendor's system
directionQuery direction:
  • UP – query from your API to Sber Smart Home.
  • DOWN – query from Sber Smart Home to your webhook
operationName of the sent request. See Webhook queries for a list of possible queries
addressProtocol and address used to send the query
execution_timeTime until webhook response (in milliseconds)
error_codeResponse code:
  • 200 – query processed successfully.
  • 400 – query validation error.
  • 401 – authorization error.
  • 403 – token verification error.
  • 500 – internal system error.
  • 503 – server unavailable
error_textThe text of the error message returned by webhook
device_type_idMode ID in vendor's system
category_nameDevice type (см. Devices)
request_bodyRequest text
response_bodyResponse text
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