Function hvac_water_percentage | Documentation for developers


Last updated on August 26, 2022

Data type: INTEGER(0, 100).

Usage method: stores the device state without changing it.

Purpose: shows the amount of water in the tank It takes values from the range of 0-100% at an interval of 1%. When describing the device model, the range and interval of values taken by the function can be changed.

Upon reaching zero, the sign hvac_water_low_level = true must be transmitted.

Devices with this function

hvac_humidifier – air humidifiers.

Examples of voice commands

— Салют, сколько воды осталось в увлажнителе воздуха? (Salute, how much water is left in the air humidifier?)

— Салют, какое количество воды в увлажнителе воздуха? (Salute, what is the water amount in the air humidifier?)

Function description for a device model

"features": [
// ...

Function state description example

In this example, the device's tank is 80% full of water.

"states": [
"key": "hvac_water_percentage",
"value": {
"type": "INTEGER",
"integer_value": "80"
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